Saturday, August 31, 2013


至于这个假期我除了拼命要找part time job之外,其余的时间都在陪家里那两个小宝贝...过的其实并不充实,除了跟他们玩玩之外就也没做什么...奇怪的是有个人最近真的有点hyperactive我以前几乎没有跟他讲话的可以算是点头之交...见到面也不会搭两句吧...他跟我的姐妹比较熟!Eh,是熟很多..他最近很奇怪都一直叫我出去....== 如果你问我为什么不熟还要那么犯贱和他们见面两次叻???那我答你我学会到珍惜.....自从出了社会和现在读college后,我始终还是常常想念起中学的朋友...尤其刚做工的第一年,你见到各种各样的人..高矮肥瘦嗒..真的!!但对你好一点的都不是人...我开始怀念起在学校骂人的pattern...因为我性格就是酱啊...但是做工后你不可能骂老板,骂salesman啊~就好像你在college不可能随便骂你的classmate,coursemate对不对??老实说,我几想念中三的时候,但是我发誓没有暗恋任何人..我都只有自恋...哈哈..那些年吗...是酱的,以前在中学因为太凶所以有一半认识我的男生到现在都不敢跟我讲话的...所以有时在想那是好事吗???哈哈.. (自我安慰)有些人会了解我甚至有些人知道我的目的和原因(我说过不提的,看到我不要问我,pls)..但有些人就会觉得我高高在上...自我感觉super良好..让我澄清一次...就那么一次~我不是!!!!!哈哈...当然我还是最恨人家在我背后说我发侨...哇!我忍受不到...你要吗就在我面前大大声讲,最多我改给你看,证明给你看咯(开玩笑不算啦)...{我讲而已啦..从以前到现在都是为了自己和家人还有我的姐妹(八个♥)而活...哈哈..}...我好像讲太远了...回去,回去...其实结论是我希望大家可以把我当成朋友,brother也可以啊...就只是好朋友...我谈琴不谈情 哈哈...我其实很三八的,我都把大便当成口头弹..连我认识超过十年的姐妹都说我变了!!不过~她是说我变得很爱讲话,她比以前更了解我...有那么一点点的小开心...顺便也替她开心一下,恭喜她找到一班真心把她当朋友的朋友...他证明了,也改变我的想法...我又几羡慕下的~^^但是不妒忌也不渴望...最最最最后的结论是我又变成熟了....哈哈..放得开人都会变得比较美(我有一阵子特别的丑,我承认!!)....Eh...等下我还有一个女生要道歉,虽然我不知道她会不会看到啦....但是我还是想要跟她讲声:"对不起"...不管你还有没有生气我希望你能原谅我当年的幼稚....不管你原不原諒,我还是会祝福你过得比我好,比从前快乐...(其实没有你们想象中的那么大方,,只是那次真的做错了,当时的我真的多事了...)我后悔过...很后悔!!!!真的很后悔...好像道歉不完叻,我好像真的得罪很多人..... jialak..这个十年的姐妹也是需要道歉,但是我有当面跟他讲过...不懂他还记得吗???我曾经也对不起她过...有时真的很爱你和其他七个姐妹....你们真的有在我心目中的三大...感谢上天让我认识你们....

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Malacca trip (hometown)

Haha...suddenly feel like wanna write blog...okay these a lot of picture is tat day capture in malacca...tis time special abit...our family member add on jor...haha..actually is my dear jimui...she said want followed me bck hometown..normally was very excited and enjoy but due to some incident-I'm sick after went to malay dato house...their food all must with chili, sambal, lendang, kari...etc
Thn u know I'm each kind of food I can't miss...but reli yummy laaa..We every year d hari raya sure'll bck many many spicy food drunk many many colorful water...
We eat eat walk walk until night I start to feel unwell...but tat time very late all went to sleep...thn me oso force me slp in air con room v my sis , bro and my jmui..sorry, forgot to tell her name-hui sian(han)'s very suffered for me....bcoz only me felt cold they all said very comfortable...
Next day, my aunt knock our door(ko ko ko...) they said want to eat dim sum..I oso start to feel stomach pain and my stomach was twisted....thn vomit fever all happened in my body...shit..
Around mum said cannot wait jor thn she ask my aunt fetch me go clinic let doctor told my mum next time cannot ate too many chili in a day all must be agak
I felt sorry for my family and my fren...especially is my fren bcoz she is first time followed me bck hometown..many places they want to go but all bcoz of me..I harm thm lost and waste whole here I saying Sorry v u all...thn I juz slept during whole journey In car..zzzzzZZZZZ....apa I pun tak tau...I o 3-4 day...slp on bed cannot move juz like fei cai...haha...but now recovered lo...very health..haha..5 by 1 no problem...haha...

My medicine
White wonton noodles
Sis and young bro
Me me me♥
Zi pai zi pai
My mother and father
My fren hui sian...she paiseh...haha..
Lenglui..wee wee..
My fren and me
At dato rich U know!!! Istana...
young brother
My sista..
All of us...
Purple color f&n drink...look so nice but very sweet...

Sunday family dayyyy

25 August 2013  Sunday Sunny and rainy
2day is sunday....usually every sunday we hv during our small small family day...
2day oso like normal my family and I went to ate breakfast-fishball noodles and after tat we went to Mc donald, Sri Damansara...due to my young bro want to buy mc donald toys -the smurf... (happy meal toys...hvn't grown up ....haha..)
My sis asked me wanted drink mc cafe or not when I had eaten my french fries...yummy...jinjak yummy leh...haha...and of coz my dearest sis finally reli treat me drank cappuccino coffee...nice nice nice..

My favourite drink is coffee whatever latte ,cappuccino, espresso , white coffee , hot chocolate...woohoo~♥
After finished all meals on the table...we bck to home ooi ooi..(sleeping time..)